Monday 9 September 2013

Sadhana chatushya Sampati- Pramanam

All spiritual persons know that to get the Jnanam, one should be a sadhaka. Just wishing to become a Jnani, one cannot get the Jnanam. He should have the requisite qualifications, to be a sadhaka. These qualifications are listed by various Acharyas, which is known as Sadhana chatushtaya sampati. The four qualifications for a sadhaka are 1) viveka 2) Vairagyam 3) shamadi shatka Sampati 4) Mumukshutvam.

These are given very clearly in Tattva Bodha.  What is the base reference (pramanam) in sruti?  These are referred in Brhadaranyaka Upanishad. This Upanishad occurs in Yajur Veda at two places 1) in Kaanva Shaka and 2) in Maadyaandika Shaka. There are small differences in slokas of the Upanishad in the two shakas. The sloka, which refers to the Sadhana chatushtaya sampati, gives only five of the shatka sampati (3rd qualification). In one shaka it refers to shama, dama, uparati, titiksha, and sraddha. In the other shaka, the reference is made to shama, dama, uparati, titiksha and samadhanam. The acharyas have taken both sraddha and samadhanam and given six sadhanas