Sunday 27 October 2013

Avudaiyar Koil

I went to Avudaiyar koil some months ago and I am sharing the impressions.
This temple is unique, as the lingam( Athmanathar) does not have the top portion and only the base (avudai) is there. The lingam at sanctum sanctorum is shown with a metallic cylinder which is hollow, This represents the all prevading Atma , hence the presiding deity is known as Atmanathar.This top cylinder is removed once in a year, when the public can see the formless.
The temple was built by Manickavasakar, who was the minister of  Arimardhana Pandyan.
The temple is renowned for its special architecture and sculptures. The temple is famous for its stone canopies, which appears to be made of timber, with its tie-bars and nails. One can see the damage caused by the Englishman , who did not believe that the canopy is carved out of granite. There are two holes caused by the bullets.

In one of the mandapams, there are sculptures of horsemen, each of them attired in different costumes, including an Arab dress. One should know the story behind the temple to appreciate this feature. Manikavasakar was asked to get high breed horses by the king . But being devotee of Shiva,   he  built the  temple with the money given for the purchase of horses.
All the temple festivals are mainly for Manikavasakar and Atmanathar is included. The temple is near Aranthangi, in Pudukottai district of Tamilnadu.

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