Monday 12 August 2013


Mitya  is one of concepts in Hindu philosophy. What is existing always , is satyam. What is not there, is termed as “Asat”. What is really non-existing , but appears to exist, is termed as “mitya”.
Satyam and Asat are easily understood by many , but not mitya. In real life, we experience many things, but Vedanta negates  and declares them as mitya. Here comes the classical example of rope appearing to be snake, till it is clarified.
Satyam is so much real, it cannot be negated. Asat is not there and is unknown, it is not necessary to negate. Mitya is negated as it gives a false reality.
The word “mitya” has not been used in any of the Upanishads. To explain this aspect, the word used is either “iva” or “artham”,which can be translated as “ similar to”. This implies that it is not real (satyam).
But the word “mitya “ has been used by many acharyas, who had written commentaries.

Perhaps English dictionary has got the word “myth” from this.

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