Thursday 15 August 2013


Many religions of the world do not believe in rebirth. Simply they preach to be good in the present life and join the Almighty after the mortal death or suffer for the evils done, in hell.   The idiom “ join the majority” indicates the philosophy of Christianity.
How do the vedic scriptures deal this? They tell that Atma  only has to be considered  and the body is described as its temporary abode .When a body falls dead, the Atma departs  that body only to acquire another. The type of body , that Atma will get, depends on the karma.
People having faith in other religion may say that this is only a theory.  The following is the explanation, I have gathered from the various discourses.
New born baby has no life experience and it sleeps for most of the time in a day. Also the doctors agree that the new born baby has very limited visibility. But it is observed that the baby smiles suddenly and also switches to crying in few seconds, while sleeping. At this period of life ( before the baby is able to focus and see),the baby is reacting to the dreams. The dreams are accepted to be reproduction of earlier experience in one’s subconscious mind. The reaction of the baby is only due to the experiences it had earlier ( in his previous births).
All living beings have the fear of death. Till one does not know that fire will burn his hand, he has no fear. Only an experience of fire, will give him fear. Unless one had an experience of death, why does the living being get scared? The answer is in its (his /her) earlier birth.

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